Since April 2020, I began distance learning at the University of London with a specialization in Virtual Reality. I will understand it and simulate it myself. And in this blog, I decided to periodically share with you interesting projects in the field of VR that impress me. Mostly in the fields of history, tourism, and journalism, with which I am somehow connected.
And the first thing that caught my eye was of course tourism. True, in this area, video shooting on a 360-degree circular camera is popular, which is not recognized as true by VR-fans. Nevertheless, the effect of presence is felt, and this is one of the three main tenets of VR.
The project of Dutch studio VR Gorilla — Virtual Reality Club about travel and knowledge of the world. “A Gorilla Travels — Discover the World” can be found both on their official website and on YouTube, where I first came across them. And they are very cool!
Even 2 years ago, they were the first to collaborate with travel agencies in preparing short videos from the largest cities in the world with guides, where you can take a walk through the main sights of world capitals in-live in a 5–6 minute 360-video. Today the project has expanded to include natural attractions, famous monuments, travels on water, in the air, in deserts, and among the Arctic ice.
In my opinion, in modern realities, if this is a free product, in the format of a trailer, 360-degree video is a great solution. The paid tour itself can also be rented with augmented reality (AR), so that the tourist can interact with the sights, get additional information, teleport insight the building and back (for example, to the museum).
I recommend walk-in in different cities and monuments of our world in VR glasses. Not on Google Cardboard, unless you like to feel shortsighted, who went on an excursion without glasses))). At least Oculus GO is good here without having to connect to a phone or PC, or Google — Daydream View or Samsung Gear VR for smartphones.
And we’ll talk about VR Gorilla in the following posts — they have a lot of interesting projects! _______________________________________________________________
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YouTube “Ethnographica”